The ‘Co-Natural Makers’ symposium manifested as a result of the research I have conducted as a part of my Masters in Drawing at Plymouth College of Art.
Over the last few years it has become clear to me that I needed to research the topics of embodied walking, tacit experience, observational drawing and artwork made in situ. I have also looked into naturalism and ecology, botany, environmentalism and practice-led research.
Below you will find a myriad of resources, videos, articles, PDFs and more that I have myself found useful and inspiring, and hopefully this will provide you with a context for what we will discuss on the day at Co-Natural Makers.
‘Julie Mehretu: What does it mean to paint a Landscape in this Political Moment?’ by Victoria L Valentine for Culture Type.
‘Surroundings: Deleuze and Guattari’ by Kenneth Surin in the Canadian Journal of Communication.
‘The Art of Research Practices Between Art and Anthropology’ by Rikou and Yalouri in FIELD Journal.
‘An Anthropology of Landscape: The Extraordinary in the Ordinary’ by Professor Christopher Tilley and Kate Cameron-Daum. 2017.
‘Practicing Art and Anthropology: A Transdisciplinary Journey’ by Anna Laine. 2018.
‘The Living Mountain: A Celebration of the Cairngorm Mountains of Scotland’ by Nan Shephard. 2011.
‘Wisdom Sits in Places’ by Keith Basso. In ‘Senses of Place’ by Basso and Feld. 1996.
‘Wolferlands’ by Dr Martin Shaw. 2020.
Ontology - Wikipedia
Psychogeography - Tate
Spatiotemporal - Miriam Webster
Topophilia - Wikipedia
‘Art and Agency: An Anthropological Theory’ by Alfred Gell. 1998.
‘Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Cthulucene’ by Donna Haraway. 2016.
‘An Illustrated Kingdom of Real, Fantastical Plants’ by Nirupa Rao. TEDxGateway.
‘Singing with Nightingales: Earth Day 2020’ by The Nest Collective. Youtube.
‘Vanessa Kissule piece inspired by LANDANCE participants’. 2020.
Deep Mapping - Geospatial Innovation in the Digital Humanities
Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake