Laura Donkers PhD, graduated from the University of the Highlands and Islands in 2011, and although her permanent home is in the Isla of North Uist, she is currently living and working in Auckland NZ. She is an ecological arts professional specialising in strategic community engagement and behaviour change projects, with a process-led praxis that connects the environment and human via the social context.She is an independent researcher and writer promoting ecological systems regeneration and this work formed the basis of her Practice-led PhD submission in Contemporary Art Practice at Univeristy of Dundee in 2019. Despite currently being a long way from her permanent home in North Uist, Laura identifies that the formative arts training she received at Taigh Chearsabhagh UHI, Isle of North Uist, has underpinned her approach to making and understanding art and community.
'As a practice led research artist with an expanded drawing practice, I explore environments and communities using field research methods such as drawing, field-walking, and digital recording. I gather primary data to convey 'moments of connection' that presents experiences of living “first hand”, in touch with the environment, community, and self. From this situated position, a durational method of observing and listening to people, place, and environment intersects with activism and policy to develop poietic insights (embodied learning) on nature and culture.
I am concerned about the current ecological crisis and draw on knowledges accumulated through lived experience to help regenerate ecological responsibility. I develop outdoor community arts projects collaborating with the embodied, practical knowledges of situated communities. I also develop Eco-mindfulness with stakeholders to co-create cultural programmes that promote interconnectedness across human and nonhuman realms and towards more sustainable, meaningful futures.' - Laura Donkers